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5 Statistics You Need to Build a Better Workplace

We’ve been diving into what makes a better workplace. In fact, we even wrote a book about it. But, we get that you’re busy. That’s why we’ve put together our top five statistics you absolutely need to know to build a better workplace in 2019.

5 statistics to build a better workplace

80% of Employees are Motivated to Work Harder When They Receive Appreciation

Not only that, but they’re also more motivated to stay at their company. We’re no strangers to recognition and in 2019, you shouldn’t be either. Employees are moving to places where they feel appreciated, and they’re staying there.

By 2025, 75% of the Workforce Will Be Millennials

Tired of hearing about millennials? While this is not a new topic, it’s important to think about how we develop this generation into the future leaders of our workforce. Now, more than ever, it’s time for us to start training and mentoring millennial employees in preparation for a new generation of managers, directors, and executives.

45% of Managers Don’t Receive Formal Training

Most of the people leading our offices and developing younger employees have never actually received any type of formal training themselves. This statistic should really wake us up. It’s time to provide real opportunities for professional development, especially for our leadership.

Almost 70% of Sexual Harassment Cases Occur in the Office

The #MeToo movement isn’t going away any time soon. In 2019, it’s imperative that every organization has a plan for handling sexual harassment.

48% of Employees Are Worried About Their Finances

You may think it’s not your responsibility to help employees with their personal finances. However, studies show 70% of employers would disagree with you. In order to maintain a competitive edge in today’s workplace, employees want to work somewhere that values them. This means providing education and resources around financial health and well-being.

These are our top five stats, but you can find these in more in our e-book, How to Build a Better Workplace.

How I’m Contributing to a Better Workplace

Our mission at PerkSpot is to inspire employees to love where they work. But sometimes, it’s the employees themselves who are inspiring us. We asked a few PerkSpotters to share a few ways they try to make a difference.

Here are our favorite quotes from inside the walls of the PerkSpot:

Office Snacks

“I like to try and pick up a snack or treat once a week so people can get a break in the afternoon. It’s a small gesture, but a great way to bring everyone together.”
– Thomas B., Account Manager

Water Cooler Chat

“I try to follow up on things posted by coworkers on Slack to get to know people better and reinforce that their messages weren’t just sent out into the void – we care about it! Plus when people ask about my puppy it automatically brightens my day, so I like to try to do the same!”
– Kelly R., Account Management Associate

Neighborhood Treats

“I’ve always been a raised to share and give to others. It’s something my parents instilled in. So sharing stuff with PerkSpot has always made me feel like I’m sharing a piece of my childhood. Whenever I can, I bring delicious stuff from my neighborhood. PerkSpotters always ask ‘where did you get this’. It’s my way of sharing a piece of my neighborhood and the south side of Chicago.”
– Karla B., CS Lead


“Attitudes are contagious – I always try (don’t always succeed, but try) to project a positive attitude, regardless of how stressed or anxious I am, with the hope that it spreads to my coworkers.”
– DJ E., Sales Operations Executive

Musical Favorites

“I like to find a person’s music and queue it up on the office stereo system. Unless it’s that one Mariah Carey Christmas song. I just. No.”
– Jace M., CEO

PerkSpotters are pretty great (and clearly we really love snacks), but we know it takes an army to build a Better Workplace. That’s why we’ve literally written the book on it.

We’re excited to announce our e-book, The Ultimate Guide to a Better Workplace where you can learn more about what it takes to make each place a better place to work.

the ultimate guide to a better workplace


Onboarding 101

It is hiring season here at PerkSpot! We are super excited to bring on some new talent, but with that, comes the challenge of onboarding new employees well and integrating them into our culture.

As you look to attract, recruit and onboard new talent, here are few tips that we’ve learned along the way.

Before They Start

In order to make the first day/week run as smoothly as possible, it’s important to start this process before day one. Make sure you have sent out all the necessary paperwork for them to complete, think through all the tools they might need (both tech and otherwise), and maybe even implement a little fun. You could have their favorite breakfast waiting for them when they arrive or maybe their favorite snacks to munch on throughout the day. These small gestures go a long way in making your new employee feel welcome.

Day One

All your ducks in a row and now you’re anxious and waiting for your new hire to start! There should always be some flexibility built into your onboarding plan, but it’s important to start with a clear agenda and expectations for your new hire. Their manager should outline a plan for their first 90 days and sit down to walk them through the role and how to be successful. And don’t forget about the big picture! Sometimes we can dive right into the nitty gritty without discussing how their role plays into the overall mission of the business. Discuss how they’ll play a part in making your company successful so they’ll feel empowered to make a difference.

Week One

The first week is a great time to start with a team meeting and key introductions for people they’ll be working with the most. For many of our new hires, we start their first day with a team meeting to discuss what we’re working on currently, schedule job shadowing sessions throughout the week so they can get a feel for each department, and arrange one-on-one time with the key contacts they’ll be working alongside. While knowledge is important, getting to know the people on their team and in the company will ensure that they feel comfortable reaching out when they need help.

Month One

Onboarding doesn’t just begin and end in their first week. Depending on the role, it could take months to truly feel up to speed and comfortable. Make sure you plan a check-in at least after the first 30 days (we rely on weekly check-ins at PerkSpot) to stay in the know on where they’re struggling or excelling. You should have established some expectations on the first day for where they should be at this point, so revisit that plan and make adjustments as needed. You may discover the need for additional training or resources or find that they are able to tackle projects more quickly than anticipated. Either way, this is a great time to course correct and plan for the following months.

What are some tips you’ve found helpful for onboarding? We’d love to hear from you!

The Dos and Don’ts of Great Company Culture

We all want to create a better place to work. In fact, it’s in our very DNA here at PerkSpot as we stand by the mission to “inspire employees everywhere to love where they work”.

In light of this goal, what can we as managers, human resource officers, or even individual contributors do to make every place a great place to work?

Here are the Dos and Don’ts of Great Company Culture:

Do Keep Your Values in Check

From planning a meeting to working on an article, it’s vital that your values stay at the forefront of what you do at work. Our values at PerkSpot are “we aim high”, “we stay humble”, “we value people”, and “we have fun”. They are practical and applicable in almost every situation. If your values aren’t serving you and your company in the same way, consider revamping them or find ways to live these out on a daily basis.

Don’t Micromanage

Think you’re not a micromanager? Here are a few signs you might be more than you think:
You’re never quite satisfied with deliverables.
You are often frustrated at the way the work is completed.
You take pride and/or pain in making corrections.
You constantly want to know where your team members are and what they’re working on.
You prefer to be CC’d on emails.

Do Communicate

While you shouldn’t micromanage, it’s still important to communicate clearly with your employees. Need help? Start by explaining the “why”, not just the “what”. It may seem frustrating that you have to spend time explaining why something needs to happen (especially when you’re the boss!).  However, taking an extra five minutes to explain the reasoning behind what you’re doing will not only save you time in the long run but will empower your employees or coworkers to own the task at hand. They’ll produce better work when they feel ownership and responsibility, which is the key to a great culture.

Don’t Think Corporate Jargon Makes You “Cool”

Have you ever been in an interview or a meeting where the person spouted off an endless string of pretentious (and meaningless) words? Corporate jargon is a trap many companies fall into, but in the end, does nothing for company culture. Avoid using buzzwords and say what you mean. This will help you communicate more clearly and also seem more approachable to prospective employees.

Do Keep Learning

One of the marks of a great company culture is one that fosters an environment of learning and professional development. After all, we never stop learning and growing and that’s exactly why we go to work in the first place! The best place to start is with yourself: grab a book, take a class, and encourage others to go with you. Hunger for growth is contagious.

Don’t Try to Be an Expert at Everything

Just like there is a little bit of micromanager in all of us, there is also a desire to be an expert at everything. This type of drive can be great when it comes to wanting to learn and grow. However, we can often overdo it by trying to be the very best at everything. It’s important to recognize and depend on your team to provide their expertise and to try to hone your skills in your area. We aren’t saying you can’t always get better at excel, even as a creative, or take a painting class as an accountant. Learning opposite skills is great, but thinking you’ll be the very best at everything is just plain wrong. Not only that, but it can cause tension when others are not given the opportunity to also show their strengths.

These are just a few tips to make your company culture stand out. What ways are you making your office a better place to work? Leave us a note in the comments!

What Culture Is (and Isn’t)

We throw the word around a lot but many of us don’t really spend time thinking about what company culture really means. You may think of unlimited vacation days, ping pong tables, outings with coworkers, or fun office events. These things may be a part of your culture, but is that all there is to it? What makes a company culture good or bad? How do we define what culture is (and isn’t)?

Culture Is… the Feeling Before Work in the Morning

We all get the Sunday Scaries so we’re not talking about a total escape from the actual work aspect of your job. But, the way you feel before work in the morning does speak a lot to your company culture. Do you dread seeing people when you get to the office? Are you overwhelmed with pressure from your boss? A great company culture knows how to motivate you to be your best and gives you work that challenges you in the right ways. It means waking up in the morning with an excitement for what lies ahead and anticipation for your future at the company.

Culture Isn’t… All Play and No Work

Sure, ping pong tables and beer on tap are great and can be a piece of your culture, but they aren’t the true meat behind what makes a company a great place to work. Perhaps you notice that more people seem to be extending their lunches but the number of new projects is slowly dwindling. If that’s the case, you might be in danger of having a sinking culture. What started off as an opportunity to motivate employees has become a distraction and there may be something deeper going on beyond the surface. Maybe these perks are nothing more than workplace traps.

Culture Is… Freedom to Express Ideas and Concerns

True company culture values transparency and honesty in the workplace. You should have open forums to discuss ideas and opportunities to ensure employees are heard. Great company cultures don’t pretend like everything is going well when it isn’t. Great cultures embrace the challenges and find ways to create solutions. They know how to include employees in solving problems and moving the business forward.

Culture Isn’t… Meaningless Perks

There are some crazy perks out there. From breast milk shipping to helicopter rides, not all perks are created equal. That’s why it’s important to provide benefits and perks that will apply to every employee. Culture doesn’t mean adding to your long list of (unused and unwanted) company perks. Provide perks that matter to everyone. Because 48% of employees are worried about their current financial state, providing an employee discount program that puts cash back in your employees’ pockets is a great way to add perks that make an impact for any employee.

Culture Is… Saying Thank You

One of the best ways to create a great company culture is by saying two little words: thank you. In fact, 80% of employees said they are more motivated to stay at a job longer and work harder when they receive appreciation for their work. Cultures with built-in recognition programs know how to reward employees the right way.

How would you define culture and what makes your company culture great?

Fun Ideas for Work Birthdays

We love birthdays at PerkSpot. Maybe it’s because we genuinely love the people we work with and want to celebrate them … or maybe it’s the free donuts. If you’re looking for ways to celebrate your coworkers on their birthdays, we’ve got just the thing for you.

Here are 5 fun ideas for work birthdays:

Sweet Treats

Did we mention that we love donuts??? A classic PerkSpot celebration will always include these sweet treats the morning of the honoree’s birthday. If you work in a smaller office this is a great and simple way to show your appreciation for your employee. And since 66% of employees said they would leave a job if they felt unappreciated, this is no small gesture.

Decorate Their Workspace

Crepe paper streamers and colorful balloons can make any space feel like a party. If you lead the charge for work culture, purchase a few supplies for every team at the beginning of the year with a list of their team members’ birthdays. By delegating, you don’t have to spend every day decorating and you’ll give each team an opportunity to give back to their coworker in a meaningful way.

Send Them Something Special

Wouldn’t it be great if you could give every employee a raise or a bonus on their birthday? For most businesses, that is simply not a reality. But, you can send them something monetary that is both meaningful and timely. PerkSpot’s Rewards and Recognition Program enables clients to send credits to employees for birthdays and anniversaries (or just because) that they can spend on the gift card of their choice. With over 200 brands to choose from, you don’t have to guess at what your employee wants or needs, and can send these credits along with a meaningful note.

Give Them The Day Off

While only 84% of employees actually get paid time off, 32% of them are actually afraid to use it. Give them the day off to spend with friends, family, or just relaxing at home. This is a great way to show your employees that you see how hard they work and know that they deserve a break. They’ll come back refreshed and energized with a new appreciation for where they work.

Make It Personal

Remember the days when people would actually write in birthday cards? Take it old-school and write a special note to the employee, or have your CEO or an executive write one. Spend 5 minutes to think about your employee and their contribution. You’ll be reminded of what a great workforce you have and they’ll be rewarded with lots of fuzzy feelings.

Do you celebrate birthdays at your office? Tell us your method in the comments or share it on Facebook!

Hygge at the Office

If you’re into wellness you may have heard about a new trend called Hygge. According to the Oxford Dictionaries, Hygge (pronounced hue-guh not hoo-gah) is “a quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being (regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture)”. What is a seemingly simple word has become a lifestyle for many as they seek to incorporate this sense of balance in their everyday life.

As we start 2018, it’s fitting to start off on a note of positivity and balance. What better way to do that than by adding Hygge into our mantra for the new year.
Here are a few ways we’re cultivating Hygge at work:
Make your space your own.
Whether you’re always on the go or sit stationary in a cubicle, make your workspace your own by adding pictures of loved ones to your dashboard or adding plants to your desk. PerkSpotter Frank added a cactus to his desk, which is proven to reduce stress, increase productivity, improve air quality and more.

hygge at the office perkspot

Make your lunch break count.

It can be easy to get caught up in your endless list of to-dos, but don’t forget that moments of space and rest can provide meaningful restoration for what’s ahead. Take time to break. Savor your food and enjoy the moments of stillness. Our fellow PerkSpotter, Karla (@eatingwithkarly) takes pride in every meal she creates and even posts her food prep on instagram to share. We love seeing the detail she takes in making her lunch every day. Just one of many ways Karla inspires us here at PerkSpot.

A post shared by Karly (@eatingwithkarly) on

Make meditation part of your day.

You’ve heard it before and we’ll say it again: practice mindfulness. Take two minutes to stop and breathe. Maybe you start a routine every hour on the hour. Maybe it’s just once in the morning and once in the afternoon. But by taking time to stop and clear your head, you’re on your way to a more positive frame of mind. Nick and Dan, pictured below, are taking time this morning to stop and breathe. They said they already felt more Zen.
hygge at the office perkspot

Make moves.

Try sitting in different areas of your office or walking around the neighborhood. Moving around, especially in the colder months, is vital to keeping your blood flowing and your mind working. Take a moment to try out different spaces whenever you can. PerkSpotter Zach B. loves stealing time in the lounge to focus on the latest tech project up his sleeve.

hygge at the office perkspot

These are a few simple ways we’re incorporating Hygge at PerkSpot. How will you find balance in 2018?

Looking for more tips for the workplace? Subscribe to culture to get insights delivered directly to your inbox each month!

Holiday Office Guide: Gift Exchange 101

Should I get my boss a gift? Do I have to participate in my company gift exchange?

We’re continuing our Holiday Office Guide. If your office is hosting a gift exchange or you’re answering questions about holiday gift etiquette, here’s your guide to keeping things appropriate:

holiday office gift exchange

Should I get my boss a gift?

Generally speaking in the office gifts should come from upper management and not the other way around so you are absolutely not obligated to get your boss a gift. Of course, if you and your boss have a great relationship and you want to show your appreciation, it’s not inappropriate to give something small and meaningful like a card or homemade treats.

Do I have to participate in my company gift exchange?

Gift exchanges are generally optional, although highly encouraged. If you’re opting out because of budget constraints, consider creative ways to participate like baking homemade treats or offering to take over kitchen duty for someone else (this is a real thing in our office, and trust me, that gift would be a hit).

Can I spend more than the spending limit for the gift exchange?

Buying a gift that’s over the spending limit is frowned upon. There are limits for a reason and giving an overly expensive gift can make others uncomfortable. Stick to the limit.

Is giving alcohol or gag gifts inappropriate?

This totally depends on the office. Because some offices crack open beers on Fridays, giving a six-pack wouldn’t seem out of the ordinary. But if your office doesn’t usually engage in activities that involve alcohol consumption, you might not want to go that route. Same with gag gifts – it depends on your culture and your work environment. But, no matter where you work, make sure your gifts cannot be seen as obscene or derogatory.

How does your office handle gift exchanges? Leave us a note in the comments!

Holiday Office Guide: Party Etiquette

Oh, the holiday party. Everyone’s favorite time to make HR cringe.

It’s week two of the Holiday Office Guide and we’re discussing answers to your favorite holiday party questions.
holiday party etiquette

Do I have to go?

First of all, yes, it’s completely legal for companies to require you to attend an event outside of office hours, so if your holiday party is mandatory, it’s time to put on your party pants.
For you optional attendees, it’s not required but definitely encouraged as a way to network and boost company morale.
Dreading it? Here are some tips for surviving.

Should I bring a date to the holiday party?

If you’re given a plus one and you want to bring a date, go for it. Bringing someone is a great way for your co-workers to learn more about you and for your significant other to learn more about your work. Just be prepared to ask questions about your date after the party as people will likely assume you’re serious. Although, you reserve the right to keep the answers to yourself.

Do I have to show up on time?

This completely depends on the event, but anything past 30 minutes is probably not a good idea. This isn’t your brother’s frat party. It’s still a work event and you’re still expected to be there on time.

What should I wear?

Again, depends on the event. Pay attention to the dress code and make sure you stick to it. Cocktail party? Keep it classy and steer away from anything too revealing and consider leaving the jeans at home. At PerkSpot, bowling has been a tradition in years past, so casual tends to be the way to go. But of course, casual doesn’t mean a license to wear your sweats. Keep it appropriate for the workplace, and don’t forget your socks!

Leave us a comment with your favorite holiday party stories or questions!

Why You Should Factor in Discounts

Coupons, deals, discounts! These three words might not be ones you normally think of when it comes to employee happiness… but science says, you might want to look closer.
discount science Discount science is an understudied topic, but we think it’s an important one! From keeping employees’ happy to saving them valuable time and money, the evidence is clear.

The History of Coupons

But let’s start from the beginning. Have you ever wondered where coupons started? According to TIME, Coca-cola introduced the first coupon in 1887 with a hand-written ticket offering customers a free taste of their new drink. The success of this campaign is evident in how vast Coca-cola’s reach has been over the last century. Fast-forward to today and more than 700 corporations offer discounts on some type of product or service. It’s no secret that coupons work. But what makes them so successful? And why is it relevant? Only discount science can say!

Discount Science

The Happiness Factor

According to a study in 2012 by Coupons.com, coupon recipients were 11% happier than those who did not receive a coupon. Scientists measured oxytocin levels in participants, the same hormone we experience when we kiss or hug someone. They found that consumers who received a coupon had higher levels by 38%. Scientifically, you could say they were in love with the savings!

The Time Factor

Unfortunately, according to media company Valassis, time is (literally) money for many of today’s employees. In their recent survey, 53 percent of respondents said they spend over two hours a week searching for deals and savings, while 25% of millennials and moms invest over four hours into their search.

The Employer Factor

We believe this is where, as an employer, we can make lives a lot easier for our employees. Employee engagement has gone from a hot topic to a make or break for attracting and retaining top talent. In fact, 4 out of 5 employees would rather receive benefits or perks over a pay raise. By providing discounts, you’re not only putting money back in your employees pockets, but you’re saving them valuable time and energy as well.

It’s easy to offer perks, but are you offering the right ones? Providing discounts can improve happiness among your employees while saving them valuable time and money. The best part is that our discounts are easy to access and easy to use! We’ll save your employees hours each week and put smiles back on their faces.

Contact our team to learn more!